Salty Yachts Australia

Yacht Negotiator

Everything you could possibly want to know about getting the best deal on any yacht purchase.

  • What does a Salty yacht negotiator specialise in?

    We are experts in negotiation, saving you money and getting you the best deal with respect to both price and terms.

  • Why should I use a yacht negotiator?

    Our clients engage us for various reasons, but the most common reasons include paying the lowest possible price; avoiding the discomfort of negotiation; not having enough time; avoiding high-pressure conversations; dislike of paperwork; and because they understand the value of a buyer’s agent (and that their fee for service is less than the savings they provide).

  • How much can I expect to save?

    That depends. Generally, more affordable vessels attract greater vendor discounts (%) but lower absolute ($) amounts, whereas more expensive vessels attract lower vendor discounts but higher absolute amounts. This is all a generalisation and not a rule. The savings you can expect vary because every vendor has their own motivation for selling.

  • What is a target price and can I amend this?

    Your target price is the maximum amount that you want to pay for the vessel. This is not a ‘maybe’, it’s the price you are willing and able to pay, and is the maximum offer you are authorising Salty to make on your behalf. Target price amendments must be in writing. Your target price must be realistic, and not an unrealistic low-ball offer.

  • Once I engage Salty, am I committed to purchasing the vessel?

    No. You can withdraw your interest at any time before legally purchasing the vessel.

  • Am I locked-in to a contract with Salty for any specific time period?

    No. We will work on your behalf until your offer is accepted, rejected or you choose to withdraw your interest.

  • How do I sign and return my Services Agreement?

    We will issue you with your Services Agreement via email. Signatures are completed electronically via computer or smart phone. You don’t need to print or scan anything, we run a paperless office.

  • Can you help me with finding a vessel, inspections and due diligence?

    No. You need to find the yacht you want and complete all required inspections and due diligence to your satisfaction. Once this is completed, Salty will take over the negotiation process; this is what we’re good at.

  • What type of vessels can you negotiate for me?

    Any used vessel for sale within Australia. We don’t deal with new vessels because it’s much harder to achieve significant savings.

  • I don’t have time for paperwork; can you complete it on my behalf?

    Yes, we can complete the majority of the paperwork on your behalf, however you must review and sign.

  • Can I talk to the selling agent myself?

    Yes, but we strongly suggest that you do not start any price discussions or negotiations with the selling agent, as doing so makes our job so much harder.

  • How long does a negotiation typically take?

    Every negotiation is different. It depends on how realistic the listed price is, how realistic your target price is, and how long the vessel has been on the market. The more realistic both prices are, the quicker we can expect to reach offer and acceptance.

  • How do I know if my offer is accepted by the selling agent?

    We will notify you via email, phone or SMS.

  • If my offer is accepted, how do I pay Salty?

    We will issue you an invoice for payment via EFT and 5 business day terms.

  • What happens if my offer is rejected?

    We will have a conversation about the listed price, your thoughts on the vessels current value and your target price. You can amend your target price if you think you need to, and together we’ll decide if the deal is worth pursuing.

  • What is your fee?

    Our engagement fee is $997 up-front, plus 20% performance fee (of the difference between the listed price and the agreed sale price). For example, calculation of a performance fee below:

    Let’s say the listed price is $675,000. Your target price is $640,000 and the agreed sale price is $600,000. The difference is $40,000, and 20% of this difference is $8,000.

    We charge $997 plus $8,000 = $8,997. Your gross saving is $40,000, and $8,997 of this is paid to us. Your net saving is $40,000 minus $8,997 = $31,003. So, by using Salty you have $31,003 more cash in your pocket.

  • Why is your portion only 20%?

    That’s easy. If our portion is 20%, yours is 80%, which is by far the majority share. Salty works for you, and we want our service to provide such good value that you’re laughing all the way to the bank.

  • Do you offer refunds if the sale does not complete / settle?

    If Salty receives offer and acceptance on your vessel from the selling agent on your behalf, for target price or less, our fee is payable in full.

    If Salty does not receive offer and acceptance on your vessel from the selling agent on your behalf, for target price or less, your $997 engagement fee is refunded.

    Should you decide against proceeding with the purchase for whatever reason, no refund is payable.

  • Once I have successfully purchased, can Salty then deliver the vessel?

    If our schedule allows, yes. Just ask us. We are also yacht delivery specialists.

  • Can I decide to stop working with Salty?

    Yes. Send us an email at any stage.

  • Is my information kept confidential, other than dealing with the listing agent?

    Yes. Your information is private and never shared with third parties other than the listing agent. You can read our Privacy Policy here:

  • I have a complaint – what can I do?
  • I want to leave feedback or a testimonial – how can I do this?

    Clients can leave feedback or a testimonial here:

  • I have more questions!

    Have another question? You can ask us a question either via Salty Online Chat (opens in a new window) or through our website.

Where to now?

I want to learn more – return to the Yacht Negotiator page.
I’m ready to engage a yacht negotiator – open a new application form.