Salty Yachts Australia

For Delivery Crew

Everything you could possibly want to know about crewing yacht deliveries.

  • How can I join the Salty crew?

    Do you have what it takes to join the Salty Crew? You can read more here:

    And apply directly here:

  • Do I need formal qualifications?

    It depends. To join a delivery as paid crew, yes. To join as a sea-mile builder, no. Your position on delivery will be matched to suit your qualifications and experience.

  • How much experience do I need?

    Again, this varies depending on your position and level of responsibility on-board. The more responsibility you have, the more experience is required. For volunteers and sea-mile builders, your experience can be minimal, or none.

  • Do you offer formal training during delivery?

    No. Volunteers should view deliveries as valuable feet-on-deck experience, informal sail training and sea-mile accrual.

  • What is expected of me as delivery crew?

    You are expected to perform the position assigned to you to the best of your ability; as the safety of yourself and your fellow crew depend on it. Important character traits that all delivery crew can possess is a friendly attitude, a willingness to help and work as a team.

  • Does delivery crew receive pay?

    Paid crew receives a wage, while volunteers and sea-mile builders do not (as they attain experience and sea-miles).

  • How is delivery crew contracted?

    Crew are engaged as independent contractors. All crew must read and sign a formal Crew Agreement prior to delivery departure.

  • How do I sign and return my Crew Agreement?

    We will issue you with your Crew Agreement via email. Signatures are completed electronically via computer or smart phone. You don’t need to print or scan anything, we run a paperless office.

  • Who is responsible for travel and food expenses?

    Volunteer crew are generally responsible for their travel to and from the vessel and expenses whilst ashore, while Salty covers food costs whilst on-board. For paid crew, Salty is generally responsible for all crew travel and food expenses. You Crew Agreement will detail this.

  • What items should I bring on delivery?

    You are engaged as an independent contractor and should bring everything you need to complete the job to a high standard. This includes a personal flotation device (PFD), harness, tether, personal locator beacon (PLB), suitable bedding, suitable wet weather gear, appropriate clothing and all personal effects. And chocolate, lots of dark chocolate…

  • Do I need to bring my own lifejacket (PFD), harness and tether?

    In general, yes. At times the vessel will have spares that you can use. You can ask us on a case-by-case basis.

  • Can I fly with a PFD?

    Usually, yes, however there are limits and rules, and domestic carries in Australia generally require a dangerous goods approval. Contact your airline at least a few days before your departure for information and approval. Be aware of maximum size limits for Co2 cannisters.

  • What watchkeeping schedule does crew follow?

    This varies depending on crew composition, however watch durations are generally between three and six hours. Longer watches (from four to six hours) are preferred to minimise crew rotations and aid fatigue management.

  • How much validity does my passport need for overseas travel?

    Generally, six months is required as a minimum. We’ve seen a crewman be denied boarding ex-Brisbane International airport with five months passport validity remaining.

  • Is there mobile phone coverage during delivery?

    Cell coverage will drop in and out depending on our position, but coverage is reasonably good in Australian coastal waters. Further offshore, cell coverage will be lost.

  • Can I provide updates to my loved ones during delivery to let them know I’m safe?

    Of course, provided that you have mobile coverage.

  • Can the GPS location of the vessel be tracked during delivery?

    Usually, yes. Salty carries an advanced GPS tracker on-board. We can provide crew with a URL link so loved ones can track the yachts position online.

  • Can the location of the vessel be tracked via AIS during the delivery?

    Yes, if the vessel is equipped with a functional AIS. The vessel can be located via the Marine Traffic website:

  • What happens if I get seasick?

    The aim is to stop your condition deteriorating, and get you feeling better asap. If your condition continues to deteriorate and becomes a medical danger, you may be put ashore and handed over to professional medical care.

  • Do you cater for dietary requirements?

    We can, yes. Before delivery, crew will generally go shopping together at a local supermarket, and you can choose the food you need. Always choose simple things like ready-made meals, cup of soups, bananas and muesli bars and avoid anything that needs too much preparation.

  • If I have a deadline, can you guarantee an arrival date into the planned destination?

    No. Deliveries are subject to forces beyond our control including weather, mechanical issues and vessel speed and so the arrival date is flexible and open-ended. “We will get there, when we get there!”

  • What happens when we arrive at the destination?

    A general overview of the activities we complete at the destination is in our arrival destination checklist. You can read it here:

  • Do we clean the vessel on arrival at the destination before handover to client?

    Yes, crew performs a general clean.

  • Can I use sea time from deliveries towards formal qualifications?

    In general, sea time accrued on recreationally registered vessels may be used towards recreational qualifications, and sea time accrued on commercially registered vessels may be used towards commercial qualifications. It’s always best to talk to the certifying authority such as AMSA, or your yachting school, for guidance. Make sure you bring your records of sea service with you so the Master can sign off on these at the destination.

  • How much notice do you usually provide crew before a delivery departs?

    This varies, but often it’s a week or three, and the minimum is generally a day or two. We always provide as much notice as possible so that crew can plan, but we’re also subject to weather windows and other crews’ availability.

  • Do you have a drug and alcohol policy?

    Yes, Salty has a zero tolerance for drugs, and no alcohol is to be drunk or brought on delivery.

  • Can crew smoke on-board during the delivery?

    No, smoking is not permitted on-board to ensure vessel safety and crew comfort.

  • During delivery, am I covered under workers compensation insurance?

    No. As you are engaged as an independent contractor you are responsible for your own workers compensation insurance.

  • I have a complaint – what can I do?
  • I want to leave feedback or a testimonial – how can I do this?

    You can leave feedback or a testimonial here:

  • Where can I learn more?

    There is more information on the FAQ for Delivery Clients page, that crew will find helpful. You can find it here:

  • I have more questions!

    Have another question? You can ask us a question either via Salty Online Chat (opens in a new window) or through our website.

Where to now?

I’m ready to apply to crew – open a new Salty crew application form.