Salty Yachts Australia

“The Salty Guide”

The exact steps to follow to get your vessel delivered.

The Salty Guide

Yacht deliveries are no simple task, and thorough preparation (by both us, and you!) is critical to executing a successful delivery. That’s why we have created The Salty Guide especially for our delivery clients. This guide tells you the exact steps to follow to get your vessel ready for delivery.

Simply download the guide and follow the instructions. It’s a smart PDF, so you can read it from your laptop, tablet or phone. You can then save the file to your laptop, and either complete it electronically (with a PDF viewer such as Adobe Reader), or print out a hard copy and hit it with ink.

Click the link (or the image below) to download The Salty Guide: Preparing Your Vessel for Delivery by Sea (opens in a new tab).

The Salty Guide - Front Cover